Covid 19 - What you need to know - BBPA launches free cross-industry platform to destroy spoilt beer and reclaim duty

04 Jun

We have previously reported on temporary measures introduced by the HMRC to help brewers and publicans in the destruction of spoilt beer during the coronavirus.

The British Beer & Pub Association (BBPA) have now launched a cross-industry platform to enable publicans to “easily request permission from each brewer whose draught beer or cider you stock to destroy this where it is unsaleable due to the current closure period and once permission has been obtained, to provide evidence of its destruction.”

The aim is to facilitate the process of excise duty reclaim on spoilt beer and cider from HMRC by each brewer and the process of crediting you for reclaimed excise duty in accordance with individual brewer policy.

This website is only applicable to the brands owned by those brewers:

  • Adnams,
  • Asahi,
  • Black Sheep Brewery,
  • Budweiser Brewing Group UK & Ireland,
  • C&C Group (excluding Tennent’s),
  • Carlsberg,
  • Heineken,
  • Innis & Gunn,
  • JW Lees,
  • Marston’s,
  • Molson Coors,
  • St Austell Brewery, and
  • Timothy Taylor.

In order to claim you are invited to create an online profile. You will need the following additional details to make a claim:

  • Keg details (brand, size, Keg code, best before date), (there are tool tips throughout the claims form to help you.)
  • Delivery details,
  • Photos of the keg,
  • Number of taps at your locationn for the keg, NS
  • You must have your Supplier Account Number to hand.
Law correct at the date of publication.
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